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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Cadet Forces Adult Volunteer: Instructor

The purpose of an Adult Instructor within the Sea Cadets is to assist in the development of young people as individuals and active citizens by providing training, guidance, direction and assistance.
The Sea Cadets aim to provide our young people with the best possible start in life through the application of nautical adventure and fun based on traditions of the Royal Navy.
The tasks of an Adult Instructor include but are not restricted to:
(a) Promoting and safeguarding the welfare of Children and Young People for whom they are responsible or with whom they come in contact and ensuring compliance with the MSSC's Child Protection Policy and Guidance Document.
(b) Delivering instruction and training to adults and cadets of the Sea Cadets in the subjects of the Sea Cadets syllabus and others as required by the Commanding Officer.
(c) Providing supervision of cadets and other young people engaged in Sea Cadet activities and on Sea Cadets premises.
(d) Assisting with the administrative functions of the Unit as required by the Commanding Officer.
(e) Applications of relevant Health and Safety and Safeguarding measures as laid down in Sea Cadets documentation and external regulations.
(f) Keeping up to date with changing Sea Cadet and external regulations on all matters pertaining to the training and supervision of Sea Cadets personnel.
(g) Undertaking role or activity training within the Unit and elsewhere to allow performance of any of the above tasks.

Experience required

None, just the willingness to learn

Travel expenses

Travel expenses paid where appropriate.
Some instructor opportunities qualify for volunteer allowance in accordance with ASCR 19.

Training details

Induction training consists of e-learning modules (Safeguarding, Health and Safety and GDPR) as well as a Induction Day Course held locally.
Instructor training consists of core modules held over five weekends.
Opportunities to specialise in specific areas throughout post.


Minimum age: 18

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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