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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Family History Assistant

Borders Family History Society researches and publishes information for anyone interested in family or local history in the Scottish Borders. Our projects include recording Monumental Inscriptions, transcription and indexing of 19th century records and family trees for use in research of family and local history.
If you have design, drawing, word processing, spreadsheet or database skills, you can work in the comfort of your own home with projects tailored to your skills. Any version of MS Word or Excel is suitable; however Access needs to be MS Access 2000 or later. Other word processing / spreadsheet packages may be used.
You can help
-To record the relevant information from digitised images or photographs, into a word document, spreadsheet or into a database.
-To transcribe and proof read documents

Experience required

Comfortable with using email and internet. Basic to expert skills in word processing, spreadsheets and databases. We use Microsoft Word, Excel & Access but you may use your preferred software as long as we can convert the files. Attention to detail.

Travel details

You may work at home on your own pc at your own pace. Some contributions may only be 3-4 hours or you may choose to be involved in a longer term project.

Travel expenses

Postage costs paid.

Frequency & commitment
Usually at volunteers own pace. There may be an occasional target date for publication.

Volunteers (aged 12-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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