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Eighteen and Under
- VO99312
Our shadow management group are first and foremost a group of young people that represent other young people and that our workers and trustees can go to for information and guidance. Other responsibilities include helping to carry out job interviews, making decisions about our office, helping us decide what funding we apply for and what training we offer and generally helping to set the direction 18u should go in.
Members of the shadow management group will have the opportunity to improve their communication, writing and teamwork skills and gain valuable experience that can be used in UCAS applications, for CVs and to apply for other volunteer roles.
Experience required
You don’t need to have any previous experience, and everyone is welcome. Our staff and volunteers will be there to support and give training.
Taster available
Minimum age: 11
Volunteers (aged 11-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
Find out more
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Shadow Management Group with Eighteen and Under
Marcus Flucker, Eighteen and Under
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