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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Boys' Brigade - Activity Helper (Kinross)

1st Kinross Boys' Brigade are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help lead games and sporty activities for their children and young people aged between 5 and 18 years old. The group meets on Friday evenings during term-time, taking part in a wide range of activities including crafts, games, sports, cooking, life skills and community projects. The young people are keen to explore the outdoors, with a desire to take part in expeditions during the warmer months, if you enjoy walking and hiking in the hills, we would love to hear from you.

Experience required

A passion and enthusiasm to support children and young people experience new activities and learn new skills. Training will be provided.

Travel details

Kinross Church Centre

Training details

Safeguarding Training, E-Learning and Virtual/In Person Training Course on a range of topics. You will also be supported by other volunteering the the local group to help you settle into the role.


Minimum age: 18
PVG Required - Support provided to complete application


Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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