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Action Porty
- VO100094
Enjoy talking to new people? Enjoy café culture? Bellfield Community Café welcomes everyone! We encourage customers to sit on shared tables & meet new people. The aim is to bring people together & reduce loneliness in our community. But starting a conversation with a stranger isn’t easy. So we need chatty volunteers. You’ll welcome new people to your table, encourage others to join, and start some positive and light-hearted conversations. This is part of thechattycafescheme.co.uk
Travel details
Our café is held in the foyer of Bellfield (the old church). We're situated only a minute walk from Portobello High Street and the promenade.
Travel expenses
A volunteer can claim their expenses in person on the day, or via our online form.
Training details
We’ll provide you with a handbook, an induction session and ongoing support from the Café Coordinator and other volunteers. If you’re interested in developing your skills further, The Chatty Café Scheme offer more extensive training and a 12-week plan for you to set up and promote your own Chatty Table.
Taster available
Minimum age: 18
Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
Find out more
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Chatty Café Volunteer with Action Porty
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