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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Admin Volunteer within Home Support/Letter Writing Team (Robin House Children’s Hospice in Balloch. – Mondays)

To assist with a variety of administrative tasks within the Home Support /Letter Writing Team. This role will be based in Robin House Children’s Hospice in Balloch, and is required fortnightly on a Monday (either morning or afternoon)..

What tasks will I be involved in?

What is required can vary week to week, but may include the following:

• Receiving letters from volunteers, scanning and uploading them onto our system, and posting them to children
• Assist in checking records/ data, or collating information
• Assist in identifying families living within a geographical area (using our database), and the distance for a Home Support volunteer to travel to them
• Assist Home Support Lead in identifying any changing family situations which specific volunteers will need to be informed/supported with eg. a family bereavement

Where is the opportunity based?
It is based in Robin House Children’s Hospice in Balloch.

What are the benefits to me?

 Using your skills and developing new ones
 Making a real difference to the families of children with a life-shortening condition
 Experience, adding to your CV and career prospects
 Meeting new people
 Having fun!

What are the benefits to the children and families supported by CHAS?

CHAS supports families living throughout Scotland. The Home Support and Letter Writing Services are within our Outreach Team, reaching out to families in their own homes and communities. The Admin Volunteer will assist in the smooth running of these services, ensuring families feel connected and supported.

What else should I know?
This role is for those aged 18+. You will be required to come to CHAS Aberdeen
Office, travel expenses can be claimed (in-line with CHAS expenses policy)
This role requires membership of the Disclosure scheme. The processing cost of this
will be reimbursed, and having a criminal record will not automatically exclude you
from volunteering. We will assess each applicant on an individual basis.
CHAS is committed to providing a quality volunteering experience to all volunteers free from discrimination and prejudice. Ensuring that CHAS is an equal, diverse, and inclusive organisation will improve the quality of care we provide, help us reach more families and children, and maximise a wide variety of knowledge, experience and expertise.
We welcome volunteer applications from those who are refugees, asylum seekers, benefit claimants and those with a disability.

Feel free to contact Emma Steel, Home Support Lead (West), on 01389 722079 or if you
have any questions.

Experience required

Desirable skills and abilities:
• To be organised, have competent computer/admin skills (eg. emails, spreadsheets, Microsoft) and enthusiasm
• Welcome diversity, accepting of different family situations and cultures
• Have an appreciation of supporting and communicating with children and families, and of the value these services have to them
• Have awareness that families can be experiencing emotional and difficult situations
• Adhere to CHAS policies, including around GDPR and a strong understanding of confidentiality and boundaries

Training details

What ongoing learning/support/guidance will I receive?

As a CHAS volunteer you will be invited to complete a short core learning package that is tailored to your role, and group Child Protection training (3hrs).
You will receive specific training in the use of our database systems so you are able to access contact details for families and volunteers and upload records, and an overview of the roles of the Home Support and Letter Writing services.

We are always developing new opportunities for volunteers to learn and offer a range of options for volunteers. You will receive ongoing support and supervision from the Home Support Lead. You will have opportunities to connect - both online and in-person - with the wider team of Home Support and Letter Writing Volunteers.


Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
This opportunity is fortnightly on a Monday, either morning or afternoon.

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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