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NHS Golden Jubilee
- VO100999
The primary role of the Outpatient Support Volunteer is to support the work of The Surgical Centre and Orthopaedic Outpatient Departments by providing a service to guide patients to pods or departments within the hospital as directed by staff.
They will require to be friendly, reliable and of a clean and smart appearance. The volunteer will show patience and understanding of the patient's needs by escorting them at the patient’s pace. Volunteers require good communication skills and a willingness to work with staff in clinical settings.
The volunteer will require to have good interpersonal skills as they will interact/communicate with patients, nursing staff and practitioners. They will be required to report any matters of concern directly to the Co-ordinating Nurse for the clinic or the Senior Charge Nurse for Outpatients as required.
Travel details
NHS Golden Jubilee, Beardmore Street, Clydebank, G81 4HX
Minimum age: 16
Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
Find out more
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Outpatient Support with NHS Golden Jubilee
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Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO100999.