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ACE: Aberdeen Centre for Evaluation
- VO102374
We are a research team based at the Aberdeen Centre for Evaluation (ACE, University of Aberdeen) interested in developing new ways to involve patients in defining which treatments work best, i.e. how to quantify a meaningful difference from a patient perspective. This is part of a project called PINPOINT led by Dr Beatriz Goulao from ACE.
Ultimately, we want to develop patient-centred ways to conduct clinical trials to ensure their results are relevant to patients.
We are seeking members of the public to participate in our upcoming series of workshops.
This will involve attending up to 4 workshops (we expect each workshop to last around 3 hours and for you attend as many as possible). There will be consent process to participate. Workshops will be held in-person at the University of Aberdeen. We will ask you to contribute to the discussion to help us develop engaging and valid ways to determine meaningful differences between treatments from a patient’s perspective .
Interested to participate?
Please express your interest to our email pinpoint@abdn.ac.uk and we will send you a participant information sheet with more information about the study. If you are interested in taking part, we will ask you to fill out a pre-study survey to formally register your interest. If you are selected to take part, we will then send you a consent form for you to read and return.
Experience required
Any experience or involvement in research are welcome. The study will involve attending up to 4 workshops (last around 3 hours, you can attend as many as possible). There will be consent process to participate. Workshops will be held in-person at the University of Aberdeen. We will ask you to contribute to the discussion to help us develop engaging and valid ways to determine meaningful differences between treatments from a patient’s perspective.
Travel details
The workshops will be held at the University of Aberdeen (Foresterhill campus). If you selected to take part, you will require to attend meetings in person (approved travel costs are reimbursed and catering at workshops is provided).
Training details
Excellent support and relevant training/guidance is provided to all volunteers.
Workshops will be conducted using co-design and participatory approaches. Support and informal meetings for further discussion will be provided as required.
All help makes a real difference and is greatly appreciated.
Minimum age: 18
Frequency & commitment
Flexible times available.
Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
Find out more
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Volunteer participants for a study: Defining meaningful differences in treatments from a patient perspective with ACE: Aberdeen Centre for Evaluation
Your email address and phone number will only be used by the organisation/TSI you are contacting to discuss in more detail the opportunity you are enquiring about.
PINPOINT Volunteer Co-ordination, ACE: Aberdeen Centre for Evaluation
Thank you for registering your interest in Volunteer participants for a study: Defining meaningful differences in treatments from a patient perspective with ACE: Aberdeen Centre for Evaluation.
ACE: Aberdeen Centre for Evaluation has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO102374.