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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Young person's Befriender North Lanarkshire

Are you looking to make a positive difference in a young person's life? Could you spend regular time with a young person (8-18 years old) sharing a hobby or activity on a fortnightly basis? Become a Befriender in North Lanarkshire with us.

We are looking to recruit volunteers for 2025/2026.

With social isolation, inequality and child poverty on the rise, the need for befrienders to support young people to increase their confidence, achieve personal goals and make links in their local community, is more important than ever.

If you are passionate about the wellbeing of children and young people- join the North Lanarkshire Befriending Project today! We support children and young people who are isolated and face a range of life challenges and barriers including children who are Young Carers.

Once trained and matched to a young person with similar interests, the befriender and young person meet every fortnight to take part in a fun activity or group.

For example, you could meet for a hot chocolate, nature walks, a gym class, bowling or the cinema. There may be particular activities that the young person would like to take part in but we also encourage volunteer befrienders to introduce ideas for new activities when appropriate.

Befrienders will give a young person a positive role model in their life by passing on their skills and experience, enabling them to try new experiences and simply providing them with a few hours of fun. By committing to just a couple of hours every fortnight, you could make a real difference where it is needed the most.

We are looking for a 6 - 12 month commitment for this role. Although the opportunity is based in North Lanarkshire, and will involve travel to the area.
Please email out main contact for more information regarding the role and our next training session ( Monthly).

Experience required

none, full training will be given

Travel details

reimbursed, driving and those able to use public transport = all young careers are North Lanarkshire based

Travel expenses

Activity and travel paid


5 March - 31 August 2025

Training details

Training can be repeated monthly, full training provided


Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
fortnightly- around 2-4 hours

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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