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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Home-Start Volunteer

Home-Start Angus volunteers offer a regular home-visiting service to young families who are experiencing difficulties or feel they are not coping. During the home visits they offer support, friendship and practical help. In offering support Home-Start volunteers are alongside families doing things “with” and not “to” them. All of us in Home-Start recognise that bringing up young children is not easy and a little reassurance and praise can go a long way!

This role requires a high level of commitment and reliability and will be supported by the Home-Start Angus Co-ordinators.

Home-Start volunteers are expected to work towards the increased confidence and independence of the family by:

• Offering support, friendship and practical help
• Visiting the families in their own homes, where the dignity and identity of each individual can be respected and protected
• Reassuring families that difficulties in bringing up children are not unusual
• Emphasising the positive aspects of family life
• Developing a relationship with the family in which time can be shared and an understanding developed
• Encouraging parents' strengths and emotional well-being for the ultimate benefit of their own children
• Encouraging families to widen their network of relationships and to use effectively the support and services available in the community

This roles requires the following commitment:
• Initial Course of Preparation, normally lasting 24 hours over a number of weeks
• Minimum of 2 - 3 hours per week according to the family's needs
• Regular support and supervision
• Ideally a commitment of 12 months or more

This is exciting and rewarding voluntary work which requires energy, commitment, reliability, creativity and a sense of humour. All volunteers can expect the support of the Co-ordinators, other volunteers and the Board of Trustees, and, through the Co-ordinator, other professionals involved with the family. The Board of Trustee’s membership includes 2 representative volunteers. There are also opportunities for self development and social contact with others in Home-Start.

Experience required

• Have parenting experience
• Demonstrate a sensitive and caring attitude
towards others
• Have a non-judgmental attitude
• Be clear about the importance of confidentiality
• Be reliable
• Be committed and self-motivated
• Be a good listener
• Understand the need for support
• Have time and enthusiasm for Home-Start
• Have a warm and open personality

Travel expenses

Travel Expenses paid


Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
Weekly 2+ hours per week

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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