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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Content Creator

Help us to reach our local community by contributing your vision and ideas to our on-going marketing strategy and social media presence by creating and sharing creative content. Be part of raising awareness and excitement around bikes, recycling, protecting the environment, and our aims and efforts within the community with different demographics.

You will get the chance to develop great relationships with our staff and volunteers across our hubs in Arbroath and Dundee, going behind the scenes and face fronting at our shops and events in Angus and Dundee. Choose one of our Focus Projects to develop alongside Volunteer Development Officer, Kirsty as well as Marketing Manager, Emma.

And if you want to step it up then we can provide opportunities in website development.

Focus Projects Include:

  • Upcoming Events advertising

  • A day in the life of a Volunteer at the Hub– shadowing them

  • A day in the life of a Hub Mechanic/manager etc – shadowing them

  • Meet ……… Bio Profiles

  • Meet………..Bike Characterization bio profiles

  • Dundee Hub – hanging out at the Hub, chatting to customers and staff

  • Angus Hub – hanging out at the Hub, chatting to customers and staff

  • Events – go along and document etc

We greatly value your time so we give you a one month induction period to ensure you are fully welcomed to the Cycle Hub. We also think its important to give you that time so you can try us out and make sure we fit in with your life schedule and commitments.

Training details

With most of our Volunteer Opportunities there is opportunity to develop the experience further should you wish. We provide training to help you do this.


Minimum age: 18