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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Volunteer Befriender

Our volunteers offer informal companionship to people aged 65 and over in Berwickshire and Kelso.
Use your life experience and the skills you’ve picked up along the way to help older people in our community. You will get so much in return – new friendships, laughter and fun, greater self -confidence, renewed purpose, and energy. Volunteering can be a great addition to your CV.

There are lots of different ways you can get involved with BeFriend, you could:
• Visit a befriendee
• Become a telephone befriender
• Help with our group activities
• Provide transport to our group activities

Here’s what our volunteers say:
“Listening is a wonderful thing to be able to do for someone who needs to talk, it can change a person’s life.”

“It doesn’t feel like volunteering now! I just visit a friend every week to catch up.”

Benefits to volunteers:
The chance to give something back to your community. The chance to get to know your community. Better confidence.

Become part of our friendly team and help reduce loneliness and isolation.

Experience required

Volunteers should be: Friendly, patient and caring. Be able to talk to people. Be able to listen to people. Be able to turn up on time. Understand confidentiality. It would be useful if you have a car, but you do not have to.

Travel details

Where does it happen?
Usually in the older people’s own homes.

Travel expenses

Travel expenses are available along with expenses are available for refreshments taken while volunteering.

Training details

2 half day induction sessions. Then dementia awareness and safeguarding training at a later date.
Ongoing opportunities to attend other sessions.

Taster available

Minimum age: 18
Volunteers should be free to work with older adults who might be vulnerable.

Frequency & commitment
How much time does it take? As much time as you have to spare! Most volunteers do it for about 1 hour a week.