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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Group Facilitator volunteer

The charity was set up in 2014 by her family in memory of Linda Tremble, who sadly lost her battle with anorexia nervosa in 2011.
Since 2019 we have expanded to become Scotland’s leading community eating disorder charity and now hold support group meetings for people over 18 with eating disorders and for parents, carers and families in Ayrshire, Fife, Forth Valley, Glasgow, Highland, Lanarkshire, Perth, Edinburgh and Tayside. In the future our strategy is to expand into other areas in Scotland so that we can ensure that everyone in Scotland affected by an eating disorder gets support and respect in the heart of their community.

This listing relates to development of our service across Ayrshire.
Main duties:
• The role of the Volunteer Peer Group Facilitator is to ensure that everyone attending the group is aware of the Group Guidelines/Rules and to create a safe space to enable group members to share their story .
• The facilitator should encourage discussion between group members and only interject if they feel that a group member is being excluded or is breaking any rules or guidelines which could disrupt the group or cause distress
• The facilitator has a duty to observe and report on any safeguarding concerns and will act as a time keeper and ensure that everyone feels comfortable and has an opportunity to speak if they want to share anything.
• The Facilitator will agree with the co host who will be responsible for completing the feedback form. There will be two facilitators at each meeting, with an equal responsibility, though one would be tasked with ‘hosting’ any online meetings.
• 1.5 hours per session.
• Online: sessions are currently running in the evenings for 1 hour, with a preparation call between the 2 facilitators taking place 15 minutes beforehand and a roundup for 15 minutes after the session.

Skills & experience required:

Volunteers need;
• To be good listeners and have clear communication skills
• To be able to offer support and encouragement in a non-judgemental manner
• To have a good knowledge and understanding of the needs of people with mental health issues, particularly eating disorders. Volunteers who have previously had an eating disorder must have been fully recovered for at least two years before taking on this role
• To be comfortable using and setting up technology for online meetings
• To have good timekeeping skills
• To be confident navigating challenging topics and situations

Experience required

• To be good listeners and have clear communication skills
• To be able to offer support and encouragement in a non-judgemental manner
• To have a good knowledge and understanding of the needs of people with mental health issues, particularly eating disorders. Volunteers who have previously had an eating disorder must have been fully recovered for at least two years before taking on this role
• To be comfortable using and setting up technology for online meetings
• To have good timekeeping skills
• To be confident navigating challenging topics and situations


Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
? 1.5 hours per session. ? Online: sessions are currently running in the evenings for 1 hour, with a preparation call between the 2 facilitators taking place 15 minutes beforehand and a roundup for 15 minutes after the session.

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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