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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Community Collection Volunteer

Acting as a representative of Blood Cancer UK in the local community you will be hosting bucket collections at venues such as supermarkets, sports clubs, stations, high streets, or similar public venues.

You will be speaking with members of the public about Blood Cancer UK and encouraging them to donate in a friendly and engaging manner.

This varied and flexible role enables you to focus on the things you enjoy most, the connections you already have, and the time you have available. More information and to apply please visit our website:

Experience required

· Submitting applications to host and deliver bucket collections at local venues.
· Attending and supporting bucket collections in your local area.
· Encouraging others in your network to volunteer their time to support your collection.
· Greeting the public and speaking about the work of Blood Cancer UK.
· Encouraging people to donate and signposting them to our services.
· Paying in all donations received either online, at Barclays Bank or at your local post office.

Travel details

Throughout the UK in venues local to you.

Travel expenses

We believe you should never be out of pocket when you volunteer with us, so Blood Cancer UK will reimburse volunteers for authorised out-of-pocket expenses in accordance with our policy.

Training details

Ongoing support and encouragement from your local Regional Relationship Manager, as well as role-specific training. Access to an online Volunteer Information Centre for induction and ongoing training.


Minimum age: 18
As it involves cash handling and for insurance purposes.
