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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Air Cadets Civilian Committee Member

Civilian Committees help with the running of the Air Training Corps (ATC) from squadron level through to representation at National Level. Each squadron has a committee that is made up of parents and friends. Its role is to assist the squadron’s Commanding Officer in the running of the squadron, raise funds and approve spending and ensure the squadron maintains direction.
Committees meet to their own timetable, usually once-a-quarter, under the direction of a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Most squadron Civilian Committees will be very pleased to accept offers of extra help - even if you can't commit to regular or long term assistance.
We hold a Civilian Committee meet 4 times a year (meetings last around an hour). Meeting attendance can be in person (we usually meet in the squadron) or via Teams video call
By devoting just a few hours of your time as a member of the local Squadron Civilian Committee you will be involved in raising, controlling and accounting for non public funds and giving advice and direction to the Commanding Officer on welfare issues for cadets and staff.
You will also be providing a means of ensuring that the Squadron’s views are properly represented at higher levels and fostering the profile of the unit in the local community.
It is not an onerous task, but it is a very important one.
In order to be successful a squadron must be supported by a good and efficient civilian committee.

Experience required

no specific qualifications are required; we are looking for adult volunteers who care enough to give a few hours of their time to help young people in a uniformed cadet service second to none.
Your role will be as part of a team of like minded individuals. All kinds of people make up our volunteers, and experience has shown us that they come from many different backgrounds.

We are looking for the committee members to be representative of the local community
and you will be a valued addition to our team.

Travel details

All Volunteer Air Cadet Instructors work directly with young people at the squadron in Linlithgow. Linlithgow Air Cadet's address is Barkhill Road, Linlithgow, EH49 6BY

Training details



Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
We hold a Civilian Committee meet 4 times a year (meetings last around an hour). Meeting attendance can be in person (we usually meet in the squadron) or via Teams video call