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Dundee Stroke Exercise Club
- VO97979
You’ll travel across Dundee and surrounding area to collect stroke clients wishing to attend exercise club, who would not be able to travel themselves. A stroke may have made their speech, balance or walking difficult, and having a friendly face travel with them will help reduce their self-awareness and give them confidence while chatting along the way. Their stroke rehabilitation and progress would be limited if they could not get out the house and attend the club where they meet other people going through the same experience.
Your role is not simply to maintain their safety while in the bus. It is to welcome them back into the community again, at time that they are self-conscious about how they may look, sound or walk. For you, further opportunity maybe available to also help during the exercise club, giving you a sense of self-worth and “giving back”. A real sense of usefulness and purpose.
Experience required
Being a “people person”, getting along with others, cheery personality, wanting to help others.
Travel details
Douglas Sport Centre, Dundee
Travel expenses
Please note: No expenses are paid for this opportunity
Training details
Formal training is not available however, observing and informal teaching while “buddying up” is on-going. A Volunteer Co-ordinator will meet up regularly to get feed back and give feed back while encouraging skills and confidence.
The mini-bus driver will be present to assist with the first “run” and make introductions with clients. Opportunity to observe the exercise class and chat with clients and other volunteers will be encouraged.
Minimum age: 18
Having maturity will help with social aspect of communication
Frequency & commitment
Approx.-8.30-13.00 or 08.30-11.00 & 10.30-13.00. Every week from community centre
Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
Find out more
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Mini-Bus Escort with Dundee Stroke Exercise Club
Your email address and phone number will only be used by the organisation/TSI you are contacting to discuss in more detail the opportunity you are enquiring about.
Debbie Scott, Dundee Stroke Exercise Club
A copy will be sent to the organisation that supports volunteering in Dundee:
Thank you for registering your interest in Mini-Bus Escort with Dundee Stroke Exercise Club.
Dundee Stroke Exercise Club has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO97979.