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Edinburgh Leisure
- VO70382
Lead or support activities for older people in local communities. Activities include walking, cycling, seated exercise, gardening, indoor curling, swimming, dancing and singing. A social element provides opportunities for participants to share experiences and develop new friendships. Many volunteers choose to undertake additional training to lead or support activities amongst their peers. Other volunteers help out supporting promotional events.
Experience required
Desire to help others of similar age become or remain active within their local communities. Kind, caring nature. Enthusiastic, supportive and positive about healthy, active lifestyles. Good listener.
Travel details
The Ageing Well Project is Edinburgh wide. Volunteers generally work within neighbourhood settings such as community centres, older people's accommodation or outdoors.
Travel expenses
We pay all regular travel expenses and reimburse all out of pocket expenses.
Training details
Initially core project induction training followed by specific activity training when apropriate. On-going support provided by the Ageing Well team.
Minimum age: 50
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Ageing Well Activity Volunteer (Age 45+) with Edinburgh Leisure
Emma Brown, Edinburgh Leisure
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