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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Collection Can Coordinator

Changing Faces supports people who have any condition or injury that affects their appearance, anywhere in the UK. We are committed to promoting a culture of confidence, positivity and acceptance around disfigurement by campaigning for equal opportunities, and challenging misrepresentation and discrimination.

Changing Faces Scotland are looking to start up a collection can service across Scotland and we need volunteers to help us with this project. The role would initially involve speaking to businesses in your area and finding shops, pubs, leisure centres etc. who would be willing to place one of our collection cans in their premises. Once you have identified these businesses, you would be responsible for delivering empty cans and collecting full cans which can be posted back to the Changing Faces office in Edinburgh. This would be a long term position but would only require a few hours work a week and is very flexible, as you can fit your visits around your schedule.

This is a great opportunity to raise funds which help will people and families who are living with conditions, marks or scars that affect their appearance. You will get to meet lots of new people meaning this role can be really fun and rewarding. It was also look great on your CV and allow you to improve your skills in the following areas:
• Communication
• Organisation
• Using your own initiative
• Fundraising

For further details please contact:
Katie Mullen
Tel: 0131 659 2945

Experience required

•Ability to work with a variety of people
•Able to organise your own schedule effectively
•Enthusiasm with regards to promoting the Changing Faces cause

Travel details

This opportunity takes place in your local area. You can travel by car or public transport depending on what suits you.

Travel expenses

Car mileage and public transport can be reimbursed e.g. a return or day ticket on the bus if you are visiting a number of locations. Once you have submitted your expenses claim you will receive it within 2 weeks.

Training details

You will be given a full induction with clear instruction on how to undertake the role. You will have a contact in the organisation who will support you throughout the process.


Minimum age: 18

Frequency & commitment
Flexible times available to suit volunteers.

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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