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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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General Volunteer

We are a completely volunteer-run organisation, with some of the most passionate, dedicated and friendly volunteers around! We are looking to build our team of volunteers so that we can process donations. Whether it’s an hour here and there or a few hours a week, we’re always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us out. We just couldn’t run Togs without our amazing volunteers.

As a volunteer, you would be welcoming people who are donating items to us, sorting donations to ensure these are clean and in working order, arranging clothing by age into storage, setting pieces of baby equipment aside for safety checking by another volunteer in the team, making up packs of clothes or bundling items together for families in preparation for collection by Referral Partners.

We will also welcome “offsite” volunteers who can help in any way – skills in IT, social media, marketing, warehousing.

Experience required

Essential - you need to be reliable, a team player, be able to use own initiative and be willing to take direction on operational tasks.

Advantageous – IT, Website, Marketing, Communications, PR, warehousing.

Travel details

Showcase the Street, 6,7,8 Manhattan Works, Dundonald Street, Dundee, DD3 7PY Or offsite

Travel expenses

Please note - expenses are not paid for this opportunity.

Training details

Potential volunteer would undergo an initial 6 weeks observed training with an experienced volunteer for day-to-day operational tasks. Thereafter there would be ongoing support from the volunteer liaison.


Potential volunteer would attend a session when the organisation is open to get familiar with the tasks involved and to meet the other volunteers, they would be working with.


Minimum age: 18
We do not feel able to take on volunteers under 18, and volunteers at Togs have no direct contact with children/vulnerable adults through their time at Togs.
