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DataKirk SCIO
- VO88885
We are looking for Professionals and Postgraduate Students from Data science background and other related subject areas, to help support our weekly Data literacy and analytics club in handling the following responsibilities.
Lead weekly online data literacy session.
Provide online mentoring support
Support the team in planning projects and other data events
Support in the development of learning materials
Support the lab sessions and workshops.
Experience required
Data Scientist, AL, SAS expert, Big data, Data analysis, BI Power developers, Cyber security experts, life skills experts, coding with data skills and telling stories with data.
Travel details
Home based
Travel expenses
We only provide expense under some circumstance, this will be discussed before approval reclaim.
Training details
Charity value, safeguarding training, train the trainer, mentoring the mentee
Minimum age: 18
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Data Literacy Volunteer with DataKirk SCIO
Your email address and phone number will only be used by the organisation/TSI you are contacting to discuss in more detail the opportunity you are enquiring about.
Chuks Ododo, DataKirk SCIO
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