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Health In Mind (Midlothian)
- VO97401
Peer connecting volunteers work alongside people who are experiencing poor mental health. Volunteers work with the whole person – their potential, strengths, qualities, and interests.
People supported by Peer Connectors gain:
- more self-confidence and self-esteem
- improved mental health and well-being
- knowledge of what is available in their local community
- better coping strategies and self-management techniques
- more self-worth
- increased feelings of hope
Activities can include meeting for coffee, walks, cinema, theatre, museums, garden centres, classes, meet up groups, sporting activities etc.
Experience required
Peer connecting volunteers have the following qualities:
- empathy
- good listening skills
- life experiences
- non-judgmental
- reliable
- willingness to learn
Travel details
Health in Mind has an office hub at Hardengreen Business Park, near the Eskbank train station. Volunteers will meet people in the community at various locations across Midlothian.
Travel expenses
Out of pocket expenses – travel subsistence activities are covered.
Training details
We offer initial induction training for the role of Peer Connector. A range of mental health training is available during their volunteering including SMHFA, ASIST and more. Volunteers are supported regularly by their supervisor.
Minimum age: 18
Frequency & commitment
1/2 hours per week for at least eight months
Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
Find out more
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the opportunity Peer Connecting Volunteer with Health In Mind (Midlothian)
Agnieszka Czarnecka, Health In Mind (Midlothian)
A copy will be sent to the organisation that supports volunteering in Midlothian:
Thank you for registering your interest in Peer Connecting Volunteer with Health In Mind (Midlothian).
Health In Mind (Midlothian) has been sent your details and message, they will respond to you at the email address you provided.
Something has gone wrong, please let us know about this issue at milosupport@scvo.scot quoting reference #VO97401.