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Volunteer Development Scotland Ltd. (also known as Volunteer Scotland).
Charity registered in Scotland SC013740 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC106743. Our registered Office is Jubilee House, Forthside Way, Stirling. FK8 1QZ

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Driver (Tayport)

Could you help reduce the social isolation of an older person by becoming a volunteer driver? LinkLiving need drivers to take people to and from their social cafe at Larick Community Centre, Tayport. The cafe offers older people the chance to meet others for a chat over a cuppa. They also offer quizzes and a range of other activities which you are welcome to join.

You would be the first point of contact with LinkLiving members, getting to know them and building a positive relationship. The role involves:

  • collecting one of the members from their home and bringing them to the Community Centre for 10.30am

  • taking them home at the end of the session, 12.30pm (stay or leave in between as you wish)

  • talking to, and getting to know the members

  • raising any concerns regarding members’ wellbeing with the Project Worker

  • attending volunteer meetings and information sessions to help you with this role

  • making sure your car is road worthy, taxed and properly insured

Experience required

You should have access to a car, appropriate insurance and a clean current driving licence.

You will be friendly and approachable, dependable and trustworthy. An ability to maintain confidentiality is essential while understanding the need to share information/concerns with paid (Assistant) Project Workers as required.

Travel details

Larick Centre, Shanwell Road, Tayport DD6 9EA

Travel expenses

45p per mile

Training details

We provide a volunteer handbook and training in various topics relevant to the role e.g. first aid, confidentiality, safeguarding


You're welcome to come along to the cafe (by arrangement) and see what it's like.


Minimum age: 18
LinkLiving policy not to have volunteers under age 18

Frequency & commitment
2 - 3 hours per week

Volunteers (aged 18-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.
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